Fortnite World Cup : Liste des joueurs invités au Celebrity Pro-Am : La bataille des champions
Alors qu'en juin dernier, Airwaks et RL Grime avaient remporté la deuxième édition du tournoi Pro-AM, Epic Games a décidé de profiter de la finale de la World Cup pour organiser un nouveau tournoi dans lequel les 50 duos s'affronteront pour l'association caritative de leur choix.
Ainsi, dans ce Fortnite World Cup Celebrity Pro-Am qui se tiendra le vendredi 26 juillet à 22 h, les vainqueurs de 2018 et 2019, à savoir Ninja/Marshmello et Airwaks/RL Grime auront affaire à de 48 autres duos composés de joueurs pro et célébrités.
Things are still heating up with our next wave for the #FortniteWorldCup Finals Celebrity Pro-AM ?@Loserfruit + @awonderland@MrMuselk + @WaxMotif@Doigby + @codywalkerroww@aydan + @wearelostkings@JeltyTV + @werevertumorro@ItsFearItSelf + @mackenziebourg
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) July 22, 2019
The Celebrity Pro-Am is coming to the #FortniteWorldCup Finals!
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) July 18, 2019
Learn more here:
Wave 1:@LachlanYT + @Liam_J_McIntyre@Airwaks + @RLGRIME@TheChrisDenker+ @XavierWoodsPhD@DrLupo + @SigalaMusic@ONE_shot_GURL + @chandlerriggs@Ninja + @marshmellomusic
This next wave of the Celebrity Pro-AM are bringing the ? @TTfue + @beatsbynav@Moyorz87 + @RjMitte@SinOoh_o0o + Oh.King@AlexiaRaye + @JJJordynjones@seanpcc + @wearelostkings@cloakzy + @wittlowry
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) July 19, 2019
Learn more here:
This next wave of the #FortniteWorldCup Finals Celebrity Pro-AM are going to take NYC by ?️@CouRageJD + @SugaSeanMMA@Sly_Yoshi + @freddiestroma@ChiguaYT + @RobleisIUTU@Marksman + @JTBrown23@timthetatman + @dantebasco@NICKMERCS + @mariohezonja
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) July 20, 2019
This wave of folks coming to the #FortniteWorldCup Finals Celebrity Pro-AM are electrifying ⚡@Calango + @cauemoura@PaiTambemJoga + @brunosutter@actionjaxonbtw + @RoneJae@EwokIts + @Jordan_Fisher@NickEh30+ @maxcarver
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) July 21, 2019
Jacob + @ClareGrant
Things are still heating up with our next wave for the #FortniteWorldCup Finals Celebrity Pro-AM ?@Loserfruit + @awonderland@MrMuselk + @WaxMotif@Doigby + @codywalkerroww@aydan + @wearelostkings@JeltyTV + @werevertumorro@ItsFearItSelf + @mackenziebourg
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) July 22, 2019
It'll be intense at the #FortniteWorldCup Finals Celebrity Pro-Am, tune in at 4:00PM ET July 26th: + @dwpoker + @JawnHa@Theslayer360 + @Greer_Grammer
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) July 23, 2019
Exile + @AshleyRickards@Symfuhny + @phantoms@FaZeKay + @phantoms
The #FortniteWorldCup Finals Celebrity Pro-Am is nearly here ? Tune in live on July 26th at 4PM ET: + PC Siqueira
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) July 24, 2019
Frapzz + @edwinhodge@_Necko + @elly24soul@KevinLaSean + @realjoeyfatone@OMGitsAliA + @Double0AG@slogoman + @JeremyRayTaylor
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