Artifact : Cartes, liste complète

Retrouvez la liste complète des cartes d'Artifact, le nouveau jeu de cartes de Valve basé sur l'univers de Dota2.
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Pas facile de se retrouver parmi les 280 cartes d'Artifact. Retrouvez ici toutes les cartes du jeu, ainsi que des listes triées par couleur ou par type de cartes pour mieux vous repérer au moment de créer votre deck.

Certaines cartes n'ont pas encore été annoncées officiellement et ne disposent donc pas encore d'image en bonne qualité. Elles seront ajoutées dès qu'elles seront disponibles.

Listes par couleur

artifact noir
Toutes les cartes Noir
artifact bleu
Toutes les cartes Bleu
artifact vert
Toutes les cartes Vert
artifact rouge
Toutes les cartes Rouge

Liste par types de cartes

carte heros
Tous les Héros
artifact spells
Tous les Sorts
artifact creeps
Tous les Creeps
artifact improvement
Toutes les Améliorations
artifact items
Tous les Objets


Esprit de la tempête Chasseur de primes Mage-liche
Esprit de la tempête Chasseur de primes Mage-liche
Nécrophos Debbi la Rusée Vouivre de l'hiver
Nécrophos Debbi la Rusée Vouivre de l'hiver
Lion Sniper Sanguinaire
Lion Sniper Sanguinaire
Sorla Khan Lame fantôme Ingénieur
Sorla Khan Lame fantôme Ingénieur
Vandale Oglodi Apprentie assassine Catapulte oglodie
Vandale oglodi Apprentie assassine Catapulte oglodie
Ravenouss Mass Sister of the Veil Disciple of Nevermore
Ravenouss Mass Sister of the Veil Disciple of Nevermore
Ravenhook carte temporaire Tyler Estate Censor
Ravenhook Assassin's Shadow Tyler Estate Censor
Untested Grunt Hound of War  
Untested Grunt Hound of War  
Boule de Foudre Track The Cover of Night
Boule de foudre Track The Cover of Night
Relentless Pursuit Murder Plot Dirty Deeds
Relentless Pursuit Murder Plot Dirty Deeds
Coordinated Assault Gank Slay
Coordinated Assault Gank Slay
Hip Fire Collateral Damage Arcane Censure
Hip Fire Collateral Damage Arcane Censure
No Accident Assassinate Chain Frost
No Accident Assassinate Chain Frost
Mana Drain Winter's Curse Heartstopper Aura
Mana Drain Winter's Curse Heartstopper Aura
Pick Off Payday Coup de Grace
Pick Off Payday Coup de Grace
Grazing Shot Blood Rage carte temporaire
Grazing Shot Blood Rage -
Escape Route The Oath Bitter Enemies
Escape Route The Oath Bitter Enemies
Path of the Cunning Revtel Investments Trebuchets
Path of the Cunning Revtel Investments Trebuchets
Unsupervised Artillery Assault Ladders Assured Destruction
Unsupervised Artillery Assault Ladders Assured Destruction
Keenfolk Turret Iron Fog Goldmine carte temporaire
Keenfolk Turret Iron Fog Goldmine -


Venomancer Ogre Magi Skywrath Mage
Venomancer Ogre Magi Skywrath Mage
J'Muy the Wise Outworld Devourer Prellex
J'Muy the Wise Outworld Devourer Prellex
Kanna Meepo Earthshaker
Kanna Meepo Earthshaker
Zeus Luna Crystal Maiden
Zeus Luna Crystal Maiden
Satyr Magician Relentless Zombie Plague Ward
Satyr Magician Relentless Zombie Plague Ward
Bolt of Damocles Sow Venom Mystic Flare
Bold of Damocles Sow Venom Mystic Flare
Divided We Stand Better Late Than Never Diabolic Revelation
Divided We Stand Better Late Than Never Diabolic Revelation
Battlefield Control Strafin Run Friendly Fire
Battlefield Control Strafing Run Friendly Fire
Annihilation Dimensional Portal Buying Time
Annihilation Dimensional Portal Buying Time
Foresight Remote Detonation Tower Barrage
Foresight Remote Detonation Tower Barrage
Echo Slam Prey on the Weak And One For Me
Echo Slam Prey on the Weak ...And One For Me
Cunning Plan Ventriloquy Eclipse
Cunning Plan Ventriloquy Eclipse
Thunder God's Wrath Frostbite Wrath of Gold
Thunder God's Wrath Frostbite Wrath of Gold
Compel Lightning Strike Path of the Wise
Compel Lightning Strike Path of the Wise
Glyph of Confusion Conflagration Barracks
Glyph of Confusion Conflagration Barracks
Howling Mind Messenger Rookery Aghanim's Sanctum
Howling Mind Messenger Rookery Aghanim's Sanctum


Treant Protector Fahrvan the Dreamer Magnus
Treant Protector Fahrvhan the Dreamer Magnus
Abaddon Omniknight Enchantress
Abaddon Omniknight Enchantress
Drow Chen Lycan
Drow Chen Lycan
Rix Dark Seer Viper
Rix Dark Seer Viper
Prowler Vanguard Thunderhide Alpha Thunderhide Pack
Prowler Vanguard Thunderhide Alpha Thunderhide Pack
Rebel Decoy Emissary of the Quorum Champion of the Ancient
Rebel Decoy Emissary of the Quorum Champion of the Ancient
Vhoul Martyr Selfish Cleric Revtel Convoy
Vhoul Martyr Selfish Cleric Revtel Convoy
Savage Wolf Roseleaf Rejuvenator Smeevil Blacksmith
Savage Wolf Roseleaf Rejuvenator Smeevil Blacksmith
Satyr Duelist Roseleaf Druid Hand of God
Satyr Duelist Roseleaf Druid Hand of God
Aphotic Shield Act of Defiance Truth to Power
Aphotic Shield Act of Defiance Truth to Power
Intimidation Divine Purpose Restoration Effort
Intimidation Divine Purpose Restoration Effort
Rumusque Blessing Stars Align Ion Shell
Rumusque Blessing Stars Align Ion Shell
Empower Allseing One's Favor Viper Strike
Empower Allseeing One's Favor Viper Strike
Corrosive Mist Altar of the Mad Moon Unearthed Secrets
Corrosive Mist Altar of the Mad Moon Unearthed Secrets
Mist of Avernus Selemene's Favor Path of the Dreamer
Mist of Avernus Selemene's Favor Path of the Dreamer
Verdant Refuge carte temporaire carte temporaire
Verdant Refuge - -


Beastmaster Timbersaw Tidehunter
Beastmaster Timbersaw Tidehunter
Centaur Warrunner Keefe the Bold Mazzie
Centaur Warrunner Keefe the Bold Mazzie
Ursa Pugna Bristleback
Ursa Pugna Bristleback
Legion Commander Axe Sven
Legion Commander Axe Sven
Keenfolk Golem Ogre Conscript Smeevil Armsmaster
Keenfolk Golem Ogre Conscript Smeevil Armsmaster
Mercenary Exiles Legion Standard Bearer Centaur Hunter
Mercenary Exiles Legion Standard Bearer Centaur Hunter
Hellbear Crippler Ogre Corpse Tosser Bronze Legionnaire
Hellbear Crippler Ogre Corpse Tosser Bronze Legionnaire
Red Mist Pillager Cursed Satyr Rebel Instigator
Red Mist Pillager Cursed Satyr Rebel Instigator
Pick a Fight Fight Through The Pain Heroic Resolve
Pick A Fight Fight Through The Pain Heroic Resolve
Rising Anger Enough Magic! Spring the Trap
Rsiging Anger Enough Magic! Spring the Trap
Poised to Strike Clear The Deck Enrage
Poised to Strike Clear The Deck Enrage
Fighting Instinct Time of Triumph Double Edge
Fighting Instinct Time of Triumph Double Edge
Kraken Shell Primal Roar Berserker's Call
Kraken Shell Primal Roar Berserker's Call
Viscous Nasal Goo New Orders carte temporaire
Viscous Nasal Goo New Orders God's Strength
carte temporaire Duel Combat Training
Defensive Stance Duel Combat Training
Smath Their Defenses! Spot Weakness Sucker Punch
Smash Their Defenses! Spot Weakness Sucker Punch
Path of the Bold Temple of War Nether Ward
Path of the Bold Temple of War Nether Ward
Steel Reinforcment Grand Melee carte temporaire
Steel Reinforcement Grand Melee -


Broadsword Fur Lined Mantle Wingfall Hammer
Broadsword Fur-lined Mantle Wingfall Hammer
Poaching Knife Claymore Seraphim Shield
Poaching Knife Claymore Seraphim Shield
Rumusque Vestments Stonehall Plate Barbed Mail
Rumusque Vestments Stonehall Plate Barbed Mail
Keenfolk Plate Ristul Emblem Nyctasha's Guard
Keenfolk Plate Ristful Emblem Nyctasha's Guard
Platemail Chainmail Blade of the Vigil
Platemail Chainmail Blade of the Vigil
Hero's Cape Healing Salve Horn of the Alpha
Hero's Cape Healing Salve Horn of the Alpha
Book of the Dead Helm of the Dominator Vesture of the Tyrant
Book of the Dead Helm of the Dominator Vesture of the Tyrant
Leather Armor Assassin's Veil Apotheosis Blade
Leather Armor Assassin's Veil Apotheosis Blade
Keenfolk Musket Shiva's Guard Short Sword
Keenfolk Muskeet Shiva's Guard Short Sword
Blink Dagger Fountain Flask Golden Ticket
Blink Dagger Fountain Flask Golden Ticket
Stonehall Cloak Town Portal Scroll Shield of Basilius
Stonehall Cloak Town Portal Scroll  Shield of Basilius
Potion of Knowledge Obliterating Orb Phase Boots
Potion of Knowledge Obliterating Orb Phase Boots
Red Mist Maul Traveler's Cloak Stonehall Pike
Red Mist Maul Traveler's Cloak Stonehall Pike
Shop Deed carte temporaire carte temporaire
Shop Deed - -
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