WoW : Progress Antorus, le Trône ardent

La première place du progress français revient à Wait for it suite à son down d'Argus !
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Les compétiteurs dans World of Warcraft se donnent rendez-vous à la sortie de chaque nouveau raid. Pour cette fin d'année, Blizzard a décidé d'inaugurer Antorus, le Trône ardent. Comme chaque raid, celui-ci sera disponible en plusieurs difficultés : LFR, normal, héroïque et mythique. Ce qui nous intéresse ici est le mode mythique, qui sera disponible le 5 décembre en Amérique, et le 6 décembre en Europe. À cette date, les meilleures guildes du monde vont tenter de vaincre les onze boss du raid, le plus rapidement possible. Dans les autres jeux, on pourrait appeler cela un speed-run, ici on utilisera le terme de progress.

Retrouvez le classement mondial mis à jour en temps réel, ainsi que les heures de mort (down) des boss. Le progress a commencé mardi après-midi en Amérique du nord, et mercredi matin en Europe.

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Top 10 World Top 10 FR
Guildes Down Guildes Down
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Method 11/11 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it (Ysondre) 11/11
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Exorsus 11/11 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Kitten Cannon (Hyjal) 11/11
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Memento 11/11 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Ascent (Sargeras) 11/11
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Alpha 11/11 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Empîre (Illidan) 11/11
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Limit 11/11 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus The Fallen (Ysondre) 11/11
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Pieces 11/11 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Sense (Archimonde) 11/11
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus ScrubBusters 11/11 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Revivals (Khaz Modan) 11/11
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus FatSharkYes 11/11 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Unleashed (Hyjal) 11/11
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Aversion 11/11 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Bloody Tearz (Dalaran) 11/11
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Bleached Bones 11/11 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Quichons (Elune) 11/11

Wait for it tombe Argus

Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus
Cliquez sur les portraits des boss pour accéder aux downs

Wait for it tombe Argus

Top 5 World Top 5 FR
Guildes Down Guildes Down
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Big Dumb Guild 05/12 - 16h13   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it 06/12 - 09h50  
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Limit 05/12 - 16h13 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Unleashed 06/12 - 20h54  
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Alacrity 05/12 - 16h21   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Ascent 06/12 - 21h03 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Benched 05/12 - 16h28   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Quichons 06/12 - 21h35  
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Easy 05/12 - 16h28   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Frog Rises 06/12 - 22h05  

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Wait for it tombe Argus

Top 5 World Top 5 FR
Guildes Down Guildes Down
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Limit 05/12 - 16h25 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it 06/12 - 10h05  
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Alacrity 05/12 - 16h39   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Ascent 06/12 - 22h36 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Easy 05/12 - 16h41   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Craze 06/12 - 23h18  
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Midwinter 05/12 - 17h33   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Unleashed 06/12 - 23h37 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Benched 05/12 - 17h45   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Quichons 07/12 - 00h02  

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Wait for it tombe Argus

Top 5 World Top 5 FR
Guildes Down Guildes Down
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Limit 05/12 - 16h39 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it 06/12 - 10h24  
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Big Dumb Guild 05/12 - 16h49   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Ascent 06/12 - 23h00 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Easy 05/12 - 16h58   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Frog Rises 06/12 - 23h06 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Alacrity 05/12 - 16h59   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Unleashed 07/12 - 00h44 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Midwinter 05/12 - 17h56   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Quichons 07/12 - 00h01  

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Wait for it tombe Argus

Top 5 World Top 5 FR
Guildes Down Guildes Down
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Limit 05/12 - 17h09 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it 06/12 - 11h12  
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Easy 05/12 - 17h31   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Ascent 06/12 - 23h14 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Big Dumb Guild 05/12 - 17h33   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Unleashed 07/12 - 22h04  
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Alacrity 05/12 - 18h11   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Quichons 07/12 - 23h17  
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Midwinter 05/12 - 18h33   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Kitten Cannon 08/12 - 00h02  

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Wait for it tombe Argus

Top 5 World Top 5 FR
Guildes Down Guildes Down
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Limit 05/12 - 17h56 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it 06/12 - 12h15  
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Easy 05/12 - 18h38   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Ascent 07/12 - 00h54 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Big Dumb Guild 05/12 - 19h04   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Quichons 07/12 - 21h17  
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Alacrity 05/12 - 19h07   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Kitten Cannon 08/12 - 01h33  
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Midwinter 05/12 - 19h22   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Unleashed 07/12 - 21h17  

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Wait for it tombe Argus

Top 5 World Top 5 FR
Guildes Down Guildes Down
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Limit 05/12 - 19h44 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it 06/12 - 14h35  
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Easy 05/12 - 20h28   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Ascent 08/12 - 23h10 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Big Dumb Guild 05/12 - 22h28   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Kitten Cannon 09/12 - 00h21  
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Alacrity 06/12 - 00h03   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Revivals 10/12 - 17h05 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Midwinter 06/12 - 04h45   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Unleashed 10/12 - 18h15  

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Wait for it tombe Argus

Top 5 World Top 5 FR
Guildes Down Guildes Down
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Limit 06/12 - 01h30 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it 07/12 - 18h27 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Big Dumb Guild 06/12 - 07h41   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Kitten Cannon 10/12 - 00h43  
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Easy 06/12 - 09h09   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Ascent 10/12 - 22h34 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Method 06/12 - 11h59 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Revivals 11/12 - 01h41 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Exorsus 06/12 - 12h51   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus The Fallen 11/12 - 23h43  

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Wait for it tombe Argus

Top 5 World Top 5 FR
Guildes Down Guildes Down
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Limit 06/12 - 05h38 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it 08/12 - 15h32 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Method 06/12 - 15h00   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Lets Gamble 08/12 - 16h21  
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Exorsus 06/12 - 15h43   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Kitten Cannon 11/12 - 22h52 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Alpha 07/12 - 21h32   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Ascent 11/12 - 23h26 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus jitianhong 07/12 - 21h43   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Revivals 13/12 - 00h05 Wait for it tombe Argus

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Wait for it tombe Argus

Top 5 World Top 5 FR
Guildes Down Guildes Down
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Limit 06/12 - 03h59 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it 07/12 - 21h57 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Exorsus 06/12 - 13h48   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Kitten Cannon 10/12 - 23h47  
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Method 06/12 - 13h51 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Ascent 11/12 - 00h09 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Big Dumb Guild 07/12 - 05h09   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Revivals 12/12 - 20h33  
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Easy 07/12 - 05h21   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus The Fallen 12/12 - 23h16  

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Wait for it tombe Argus

Top 5 World Top 5 FR
Guildes Down Guildes Down
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Method 07/12 - 02h47 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it 12/12 - 00h17 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Exorsus 07/12 - 15h00   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Kitten Cannon 17/12 - 00h50 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Limit 08/12 - 08h08   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Ascent 19/12 - 18h40 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Memento 09/12 - 10h50   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Empîre 21/12 - 21h09  
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus jitianhong 09/12 - 18h49   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus The Fallen 07/01 - 21h09  

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Wait for it tombe Argus

Top 5 World Top 5 FR
Guildes Down Guildes Down
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Method 13/12 - 17h10 Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it 29/12 - 23h47 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Exorsus 14/12 - 19h01   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Kitten Cannon 30/12 - 23h00 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Memento 18/12 - 17h39   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Ascent 11/01 - 22h31 Wait for it tombe Argus
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Alpha 19/12 - 03h00   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Empîre 24/01 - 22h31  
Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus Limit 19/12 - 03h26   Wait for it tombe Argus Wait for it tombe Argus The Fallen 28/01 - 21h06  

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