Breloques (Charms) TFT, liste et explications de la nouvelle mécanique du Set 12

Les Breloques (Charms) est la nouvelle mécanique du Set 12 de Teamfight Tactics. Si vous voulez en savoir plus, on vous en dit davantage dans cet article.

Le Set 12 de Teamfight Tactics est là, et en plus de tous les nouveaux champions, les nouvelles classes et les nouvelles origines, il amène également une nouvelle mécanique : les Breloques (Charms). Après le Set 12 qui mettait en avant les Rencontres (ou Encounters), Riot Games tente une toute nouvelle mécanique qui n'a encore jamais eu lieu sur TFT.

Le principe des Breloques (Charms) est très simple : ce sont des objets qui apparaîtront de manière aléatoire dans votre partie conférant buffs ou bonus durant un seul tour de jeu. Soyez donc sûr de votre choix, puisque l'achat d'un enchantement est irrémédiable. Voici le détail.

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Comment fonctionnent les Breloques (Charms), la nouvelle mécanique du Set 12 de TFT ?

Comme annoncé plus haut, les Breloques (Charms) est la nouvelle mécanique du Set 12 de Teamfight Tactics. Cette mécanique reste relativement simple puisqu'elle fait apparaître de manière aléatoire des Breloques qui proposent des buffs qui modifieront à leur échelle la partie en cours qui durent généralement une seul tour. Durant votre partie, vous rencontrerez un enchantement directement dans votre boutique, à hauteur d'un tous les deux rolls. Vous ne pourrez cependant pas le prévoir, ni quelles types d'Breloques va apparaître. Il y aura un total de 114 Breloques que vous pouvez retrouver lors de votre partie.


Liste des Breloques (charms)

All Ones Reroll your shop with all 1-cost units
Coin Flip 50% chance to gain 1g for each Coin Flip you’ve used
Copycat Get a 1 star copy of the first enemy unit to die next combat
Dehance Replace all units in your shop with ones 1 cost lower.
Gear Swap Gain a temporary Magnetic Remover and a Reforger for 1 round.
Hot Streak Next combat: Add 1 to your streak
Magic Mirror Gain a 1 star copy of a random unit you fielded last combat
Minor Gambit If you win your next player combat, gain 2g
Minor Polymorph Planning only: A 1-cost champion you have transforms into a 2-cost.
? Gain a Target Dummy for 1 round
Crystal Ball Reveal your next opponent
Wish Gain a random minor effect
Aftershock Next combat: After 10 seconds, stun all enemies for 1.5 seconds.
All Threes Reroll your shop with all 3 costs
All Twos Reroll your shop with all 2 costs
Assassin Combat start: Your highest AD unit jumps to the enemy backline.
Combat Mastery Next combat, gain 1 XP for each enemy your team kills
Comfort Food Gain 1 HP. If you lose the next player combat, gain 2 more
Conjure Anvil Gain a component Anvil
Conjure Emblem Gain a Random uncraftable Emblem
Die Roll Roll a die. Gain gold equal to the result
Dress Down Next combat: 30% Shred and Sunder all enemies for 15 seconds.
Train Hard Gain 1 HP for each Escalating Heal you’ve used
Bunch-o'-Belts Next combat: Your units gain 6 non-removable Giant's Belts.
Hexplosion Next combat: The first unit to die explodes, dealing 600 magic damage.
Hugify Next combat: Your highest HP unit grows, gaining 500 HP.
Minor Mimicry Gain a Lesser Champion Duplicator
Starless Shield Next combat: Grant 300 Shield to your 1-star champions.
Phantom Gloves Gain a temporary Thief’s Gloves for 1 round
Polymorph Planning only: A 2-cost champion you have transforms into a 3-cost.
Quick Bounty Gain an item component if you win the next combat in under 15 seconds.
Freeroller Gain 2 free rerolls
Rite of Speed Your team gain 10% AS for 1 round
Shivinate Next combat: All your items transform into Statikk Shiv.
Shrinkify Next combat: Your highest attack speed unit shrinks, gaining 40% attack speed.
Sinister Deal Lose 1 HP. Gain 2 Gold
Study Hard Gain 2XP for each Study Hard you’ve used
Summon Voidling Gain a Voidling for 1 round
Surprise! Next combat: 1 unit without items gains a Suspicious Trenchcoat.
Treasure Hunter Next combat: 1 unit without items gains an Unstable Treasure Chest.
Truce You and your opponent gain 1g
Ultra Ascension At 25 seconds, your team gains 300% damage amp
Zoomify Next combat: Your team gains 300% movement speed.
All Fours Reroll your shop with all 4 costs
Artifactinate 4 random items become Artifacts for 1 round
Assembly Gain a copy of each 1-cost champion.
Major Wish Gain a random effect
Conjure Spatula Gain a Spatula
Discount This round, the next champion you buy is free.
Earthquake At the start of combat, stun all enemies for 2 seconds
Sunfire Sorcery At the start of combat, burn and wound enemies for 10 seconds
Golden Armor Your units gain 50 HP for every 10 gold you have for 1 round.
Golden Blessing Gain a dummy for 1 round. Your dummies drop gold as they take damage.
Ironclad Spirit Next combat: Your team gains 30 Armor.
Leadership A random unit with 3 items equipped gains 300 HP permanently
Lucky Find Gain 1 gold. Your team gain 50 HP for 1 round
Lightning Strike At the start of combat, deal 10% max Health true damage to all enemies
Major Gambit If you win the next player combat, gain 10g
Manaflow Next combat: Your highest Mana unit's Mana cost is reduced by 20.
Moonlight Ritual Next combat: A random 1 or 2 cost champion stars up.
Mystic Spirit Next combat: Your team gains 30 Magic Resist.
Paragon Next combat: Your team's physical damage is dealt as magic damage
Phantom Claw Gain 1 Temporary Dragon’s Claws for 1 round
Phantom Emblem Gain a temporary emblem of your most active trait for 1 round.
Phantom Vest Gain a temporary Bramble Vest for 1 round.
Rushdown Next combat: Your highest attack speed unit gains 120% decaying attack speed over 5 sec.
Salvager Any units you bench this turn have items removed and broken apart
Scope Expansion Next combat: Units in the back 2 rows gain 2 Attack Range.
Animate Shop For 30 seconds, your shop refreshes for free every 3 seconds.
Silver Guard Your units are immune to CC for the first 8 seconds next player combat
Stealthy Champs on your back row are untargetable for 8 seconds next round
Sticky Fingers Next combat: copy a component from the 1st enemy your team kills.
Summon Dummies Gain 2 Target Dummies for 1 round
The Count Reroll your shop with a 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 cost unit.
Yordle Spirit Next combat: Units have a 99% chance to dodge attacks for 4 seconds.
All Fives Reroll your shop with all 5 cost units
Animate Bench Next combat: Every 6 seconds, a unit joins combat from the bench
Big Surprise! Next combat: 2 units with no items gain a Suspicious Trenchcoat.
Conjure Artifact Gain an Artifact anvil.
Conjure Support Gain a Support Anvil
Desperate Plea Next combat: If you would be eliminated, remain alive instead.
Enhance Reroll your current Shop with champions 1 cost higher.
Guild of Thieves Gain 3 temporary Thieves Gloves for 1 round.
Late Bloomer Gain a permanent 3-star 1-cost champion and a Magnetic Remover.
Major Mimicry Gain a Champion Duplicator
Major Polymorph Planning only: A 4-cost champion you have transforms into a 5-cost.
Radiantize One random equipped item becomes Radiant for 1 round
Scrappy Next combat: 2 champions without items gain a temporary full item.
Sinister Shop Lose 4 HP. Gain 6 Rerolls
Spawn Swarm Next combat: Your 1st 2 front row units spawn a voidling after death.
Summon Dragon Summon a 4000 Health Dragon for 1 round.
Tinker Gain a Reforger and a Remover
Treasure Party Next combat: 1 units without items gains 2 Unstable Treasure Chest.
Magnum Opus Lose 66 player health. Gain a permanent 3-star 5-cost.
Judgement Next combat: If you win, gain 8 gold; if you lose, gain 12 XP.
The Chariot This round, rerolls cost you 1 gold and buying XP costs you 3 gold.
The Emperor Next combat: Xerath gains 20% damage amp and his allies gain 10%.
The Lovers Gain a 5-cost champion and a 2* 2-cost champion that share traits.
The Moon Increase your odds of hitting a 5-cost by 4%
The Star Next combat: 1-stars star up. Their allies gain 200 Shield and 20 ability power.
The Sun Gain a Support anvil and an Artifact anvil.
The Tower Next combat: Gain a Lightning Dummy that strikes nearby enemies.
The World Gain a copy of every 4-cost champion.
Eldritch Hunger Next Combat: Your Eldritch God gains 10% attack speed and 10% health on takedown.
Busy Bees Your Bees have + 20% Attack Speed this round.
Hocus Pocus Next Combat: Witches gain 25 Ability Power.
Piece of Cake Gain a few points of Sugarcraft progress
Pyromania Gain 8 Pyro infernal cinders.
Queen's Gambit Next combat: If you win, gain a copy of your highest cost Faerie.
Spitfire Next combat: Dragon attacks deal an extra 1% max Health true damage.
Quickening Next combat: Chrono champions gain +30% attack speed after countdown.
Frosty Fortitude Next Combat: Winter ice statues gain 40% additional health.
Portal Hopping Gain a random Portal Champion.
Supreme Arcana Your High Arcana champion gains additional damage & defenses for 1 round.

Cette nouvelle mécanique sur le Set 12 de TFT aura beaucoup moins de poids sur la meta du jeu de manière générale, aux antipodes des Têtes d'affiche (Headliners) du Set 10 qui régissaient totalement la meta et influençaient en en grande majorité vos parties.

Les Breloques (Charms) est une mécanique tantôt à faible influence, tantôt game breaker. Son côté aléatoire offre un peu de piment durant vos parties qui seront beaucoup plus classiques que sur les derniers sets de Teamfight Tactics.


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